Federal Laws





Reduction of Import Tax (II) for machines not produced in Brazil The rate of Import Duty may be reduced  from 14% to 2%  for the purchase of Capital Goods, IT and Telecommunications Goods, not produced in Brazil.Industrial companies and service providersResolution 8, of March 22, 2001
Waiving of Tax on Industrialized Products (IPI) for machines and equipment The rate of  Tax on Industrialized Products (IPI) for capital goods has been reduced to zeroIndustrial companies, users of capital goodsDecree 4955/2004 - of January 15, 2004 – from 5% to 3.5% for 643 items, and from 12% to 8% for 8 items
Decree 5173/2004 of August 6, 2004 – from 3.5% to 2%, adding to the list over 29 items of capital goods.
Decree 5468/2005 of June 15, 2005 – from 2% to zero, for the previously covered items.
Decree 5552/2005, of September 26, 2005 – added 7 items to the list of capital goods, and one item in the software sector.
Decree 5.618/2005, of December 13, 2005– added 14 items to the list of capital goods


Special Tax Rules - aims essentially to reduce tax on  purchases of machines and equipment, by waiving IPI, Cofins, PIS/Pasep and import duties (in the case of equipment for which no similar national product exists). Targeted at investment in portsLaw 11.033, of December 21, 2004
Decree 5.281, of November 23, 2004
Accelerated depreciation for  machines and equipment Enables accelerated depreciation on capital goods purchased between October 1, 2004 and December 31, 2006, to be deducted from the Charge on Net Profit (CSLL), reducing the depreciation period of such goods from  10 to 4 years. For companies that operate 3 shifts, the period is 2 years. Thus the value of  machines and equipment can be deducted from Income Tax in less than half the time.

Law 11.051, of December 29, 2004 – institutes this rule
Law 11.196, of November 22, 2005 – extends the period to December 2006
Early restitution of  IR and PIS/COFINS PIS and COFINS charges paid on the purchase of machines and equipment are credited each month, over a period of 2 years. Previously, they had been restored to companies that purchased such goods, in the form of tax credits, to be settled in 48 months.

Law 11.051, of December 29, .2004 – institutes this rule
Law 11.196, of November 22, 2005 – extends this measure for an indefinite period
Special rules for purchases of Capital goods for Exporting Companies (RECAP) This measure allows companies that make purchases of local or imported capital goods (new machines, instruments and equipment) to suspend payment of PIS and COFINS chargesCompanies that export 80% or more of their annual sales by value, and shipyards.Law 11.196, of November 21, 2005
Decree 5.649, of December 22, 2005
SRF Instruction 605, of January 4, 2006
Special rules for Taxation of Technology Services Export Platforms (REPES) Waives PIS/PASEP and COFINS charges for purchases of local or imported  goods or services, to be incorporated into the fixed assets  of eligible companies.

Law 11.196, of November 21, 2005
Decree 5.712, of March 2, 2006
Implemented by SRF Instruction 630, of March 15, 2006
Incentives for Technological Innovation fiscal incentives, e.g.:
Income Tax and Charge on Net Profits (CSLL) rebates on R&D expenditures;
  • Tax on Industrialized Products (IPI) rebates on the purchase of machines and equipment for R&D
  • accelerated depreciation of such goods;
  • accelerated amortization of intangible goods;
  • withheld Income Tax rebates on remittances abroad stemming from technology transfer contracts;
  • exemption from withheld Income Tax for remittances abroad  for the filing and maintenance of  trademarks, patents, and cultivars;
or economic grants  for the contracting of researchers, with MAs or PhDs, employed by companies to conduct research, development, and technological innovation activities.
Corporate entities that carry out technological research and development for  technological innovation.Law 11.196, of November 21, 2005 (Chapter III - articles 17 to 26)
No enabling decree has been issued
Innovation Law Organized with three approaches: fostering of a favorable environment  for strategic partnerships between  universities, technology institutes and companies; stimulus for participation of scientific and technological institutes in the innovation process; and stimulus for innovation within companies.Companies that invest in technological innovation, especially micro and small  companies.Law 10.973, of December 2, 2004.
Decree 5.563, of October 11, 2005
Bio-security LawEstablishes safety standards and inspection mechanisms for handling of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and their derivatives, creates the National Bio-Security Council (CNBS), restructures the National Bio-Security Committee (CTNBio), and provides for a National Bio-security Council (PNB)

Law 11.105, of March 24, 2005.
Decree 5.591, OF NOVEMBER 22, 2005
Informatics Law Enables IPI rebates for IT Goods, produced under the Basic Production Process, described in legislation (minimum set of operations at the manufacturing plant, characterizing effective manufacture of the product)Makers of computers, automation and telecommunications equipment, microelectronics, software and technical services.Law 11.077, of December 30, 2004 (Alters Law 8.248, of October 23, 1991, Law 8.387, of December 30, 1991, and Law 10.176, of January 11, 2001)
Decree 4.401, of October 1, 2002.
Sectoral Funds
Cross-Cutting Actions of Sectoral Funds  are strategic progrtams of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT) that orient the Federal Government’s Industrial, Technological and Foreign Trade Policies  (PITCE) simultaneously using resources from a variety of Sectoral Funds.
With resources from the National Science and Technology Development Fund (FNDCT) (except Funttel), these instruments support research projects, development, and innovation in Brazil. There are 16 Sectoral Funds, 14 of which relate to specific sectors, and 2 that are crosscutting :
CT - Aeronáutico
CT - Agronegócios
CT - Amazônia
CT - Aquaviários
CT - Biotecnologia
CT - Energ
CT - Espacial
CT - Hidro
CT - Info
CT - Infra
CT - Mineral
CT - Petro
CT - Saúde
CT - Transportes
CT - Verde Amarelo
Governmental and private companies may participate in the technical and financial execution of projects supported by Sectoral Funds  (in partnership with universities or research centers) FNDCT - DECREE-LAW 719, OF JULY 31, 1969
CT-PETRO – Law 9.478, of August 6, 1997
CT-ENERG – Law 9991, of July 24, 2000
CT-HIDRO – Law 9993, of July 24, 2000
CT-TRANSPORTES – Law 9992, of July 24, 2000
CT-MINERAL – – Law 9993, of July 24, 2000
CT-ESPACIAL – – Law 9994, of July 24, 2000
FUNTTEL – Law 10052, of November 24, 2000
CT-INFO – Law 10176, of November 24, 2000
CT Verde Amarelo – Law 10.168, of December 29, 2000. and Law 10.332, of December 19, 2001.
CT-INFRA — Law 10197
CT Agronegócios – Law 10.332, of December 19, 2001 and Decree 4.157, of March 12, 2002.
CT Biotecnologia; Law 10.332, of December 19, 2001 and Decree 4.154, of March 7, 2002
CT Saúde Law 10.332, of December 19, 2001 and Decree 4.157, of March 12, 2002.
CT Aeronáutico - Law 10.332, of December 19, 2001 and Decree 4.179, of April 2, 2002
BNDES Lines of CreditFunding Program for National Suppliers of Equipment, Materials and Associated ServicesBrazilian companies, with head offices and management in Brazil, suppliers of  equipment, materials, and engineering services.

Support Program for Development of a Productive Chain  for the Pharmaceutical Industry (PROFARMA)
Support may be provided by means of activities related to the  production of medical drugs (PROFARMA-Produção), for Research and Development (PROFARMA-P, D & I) and Strengthening of Companies under National Control (PROFARMA-Fortalecimento das Empresas Nacionais)
Pharmaceutical companies, including  intermediary chemicals and plant extracts, pharmochemicals and drugs for human use, and other related products for human health.

Fund for Technological Development of Telecommunications - FUNTTEL
Aims to stimulate technological innovation, capacity building for human resources, create jobs, and promote access for small and medium-size companies to capital resources, with a view to expanding competitiveness of the Brazilian  telecommunications industry 
Operations in the form of  refundable loans  and venture capital: Brazilian companies with head offices in Brazil.

Support with non-refundable resources: cooperation projects between universities, research centers, and companies.

Program for Development of the National Software Industry and Related Services - PROSOFT
Aims to develop the National Software Industry  and related Services
PROSOFT - Empresa - Brazilian companies, with head offices and management in  Brazil, engaged in development of various modalities of software in Brazil.
PROSOFT - Exportação - Brazilian private companies, with head offices and management in  Brazil, engaged in development of software and related Services in Brazil
PÓS-EMBARQUE - Brazilian private companies , with head offices and management in  Brazil, engaged in development of software and related Services in Brazil.

Modernization Program for National Industry - MODERMAQ New Machines and equipment produced in Brazil, accredited with BNDES, excluding systems, industrial complexes, and equipment associated with large-scale projects.Companies of any size registered by the  National Classification of Economic Activities (CNAE) as an extractive industry  (Section   C), manufacturing (Section  D) or construction industry

Technological Fund - FUNTEC aims to provide financial support for projects to stimulate technological development and innovation in the National interest.Technological Institutions (IT) and Support Institutions  (IA), for the  development of research projects, technological development and innovation, with participation of companies.